Sunday, August 2, 2009

In Between

This Tuesday I will be shifting out from the house shared with a friend. At first, I thought it is okay to stay with someone not in the same religion, but somehow its getting harder. My parents wanted me not to stay here. They wanted me to find another house with a Muslim housemate. But I've promised my friend long before this to stay with her, and I had to break the promise. My housemate's parents were of course, got angry with me and I could do nothing about that. I am stuck in the middle of my family, her family and of course her kindness because I can't deny the fact that she truly helped me a lot. My other friends accused me for being irresponsible, bring shame to my religion and race, but I am sure if they are in my shoes, they would know how I feel. When her mother showed me the "receipts", the "tenancy agreement letters" and stuff to me to show how much they had spent just to help me, I really could not do anything because my parents' orders were to move out from this house as soon as possible. I know my parents were worrying about me since I got here and I just don't have the heart to make them feel this way anymore. I chose the one that I have to obey, that I love the most with all my heart, and I fought all the guiltiness I felt just to tell my friend that I have to move out. I know deep inside her heart she feels betrayed and hopeless, and I am sure she won't trust me anymore, but I need her to understand why I have to choose to be in this way. To her, thank you for everything you did to me, and I am sorry that I have to put you in this situation. To Auntie and Uncle, thank you so much too for taking care for me these whole four weeks, and I am sorry I had to hurt both of you.


nani said...

if you are talking about this friend i know to,i'm sure she'll understand,ok? we noe her, don't we?
anyway,i miss u a lot and..penat kan keje? nak study balik.hehe. bila ko nak kawen and berhijrah ke langkawi? cepat sket bleh tak? :P

love u muwaaahhhhh :*

April Fimbristylis said...

i hope she'll understand. :(
i miss you too, nani, truly miss you, reminiscing the college days, we were much happier back then, but the working phase has so much more to face in the future. kawen? hehe.. tu kena tanya zul, lambat lg kot, coz now he's planning to buy bmw la konon, hmm.. tak kawin la aku.. apa kata ko yg minta transfer sini? kiki..

ejat said...

hai wani......miz u sooo much....
nwy talking about moving out from the house, i'm sure that particular fren will might take time for her to digest the fact that u r moving out, bt i'm sure she will understand ur situation.....dun worry wani=p
nwy aku xrs rumet aku akan pindah coz dia pun nak kawen org kedah....
so ang la kena pindah mai langkawi....hahaha

April Fimbristylis said...

ejat!!! rindu kat hang sngt2!!! Wua!!!! Sedey tau dok sini sorang2... :(( btw, camna nak minta tukar? kalau baru brapa minggu bleh tukar ke? :(( atau aku kena kawin segera? bleh ka? kikiki...

PoetryGirl said...

Wani darling, I know who you're talking about and I also know for a fact that she is one of the most understanding people I know. Some things are just not meant to be, you know? As much as we would like to think we can mould the world to our liking, some things cannot be changed. On a lighter note, ohdearGod don't we miss everyone like mad... Can't wait for convo! See you guys soon! xoxoxo

PoetryGirl said...

Ejat, kahwin cepat and come to Pasir Gudang ;-)